Access to doctoral studies in UCLM: pre-enrolement and enrolement

Admission and enrolment calendar 2023-24

(According to the UCLM Doctoral Academic Calendar 2023-24 approved by the EID Management Committee on 16 June 2023).

Beginning of the academic year: 1 September 2023.

Pre-enrolment period:

  • FIRST PERIOD: 14 July to 29 September 2022, both inclusive.
  • SECOND PERIOD (only for those programmes in which there are vacancies after the first deadline): 2 November to 15 December 2024.
    Programmes that still have vacancies after this second period has elapsed will continue to offer them until the end of the academic year.

Enrolment period:

  • First pre-enrolment period for those admitted: enrolment at the UGAC, from 16 to 31 October 2023, both inclusive.
  • Second pre-enrolment period for those admitted: enrolment at the UGAC, from 16 to 31 January 2023, both inclusive.
  • RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION: On-line self-enrolment, from 3 October to 31 October 2023 (IMPORTANT: subject to positive evaluation for the 2022-23 academic year).

Designation of thesis tutors and supervisors: At the time of admission. Cosupervisors may also be designated.

Acceptance of the written undertaking of supervision: 3 months from formalization of the first enrolment.

Non-session periods: The same as those in the academic calendar for Bachelor's and Master's degrees for the 2022-23 academic year: Christmas, Easter, Summer holidays (full month of August) and BANK HOLIDAYS: St. Thomas Aquinas. Local bank holidays, patron saint’s day for each Centre, and if applicable, those determined by the official calendar for 2023 and 2024.

Links to on-line apps:







(Available during the admission periods of each academic year.
See calendar)


IMPORTANT: The SELF-ENROLMENT application is only available during the renewal period and for second and subsequent year students who meet these two conditions:

- They were enrolled in the previous academic year
- They received a PASS in the ordinary period and by the established deadlines.

For any other situation (new students, reinstatement after temporary withdrawals, students awarded a favourable grade in the extraordinary period or in late ordinary evaluation, app errors, ...), please contact the UGAC office of your campus (contact details).



The "Guidelines for access, admission and enrolment in doctoral programmes at UCLM" (approved by the EID Management Committee on 13 June 2017 and amended on 10 June 2022) are currently being adapted to the new requirements in force since 19 July, in accordance with RD 576/2023, which amends RD 99/2011, which regulates official doctoral studies in Spain.


  1. Please click on the following link for the list of doctoral programmes offered and the characteristics of each.
  2. Consult the programme coordinator, or the contact persons listed on the web page of the doctoral programme to which you intend to apply, for any questions about the thesis you wish to work on, or queries regarding possible future supervisors. The future thesis supervisor must be proposed using the form to which there is a link in the section on required documentation.
  3. Check that the pre-enrolment period is open according to the "access and enrolment calendar" section available at the top of this page.
  4. Please have all the required documentation ready before accessing on-line pre-enrolment. Please refer to the documentation in the corresponding section of the link above.
  5. Application for admission to UCLM doctoral programmes can only be made online.

Before filling in your application, please consider the following points:

  1. Registration as user: If you are a current UCLM student, you are already registered and have been assigned a username and password, which you must use to access. If you do not remember these, you can retrieve them by accessing the following link: If you are a former UCLM student or have studied at another university, you must register by accessing the corresponding tab and registering in the application. You will receive an email with a username and password that you will use for your pre-enrolment.
  2. Digitization of documents: It is convenient that before starting the pre-enrolment process you should have scans of the documents in PDF format (other formats are not accepted). The files must be kept separate and less than 3 MB in size.


For all applicants:

  • DNI (Spaniards) or NIE (residents in Spain) or passport (foreigners). Please do not use your passport number if you are Spanish.
  • Curriculum vitae using the model available at this link.
    You can also use the standardized model for researchers provided by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT): 
    link to CVN.
  • Application cover letter, using the form available at this link.
  • Documents accrediting the specific requirements of the corresponding doctoral programme. For this purpose, the information on the web page of the doctoral programme in question should be consulted.
  • Document certifying any disability, if applicable, that recognizes a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent, issued by the competent body (upload into the document manager as document type 11. Document certifying disability).
  • When the thesis is pursued under international cosupervision by virtue of the corresponding agreement signed between the UCLM and a foreign university, the corresponding box must be checked and document type 12 must be uploaded into the document manager. Application for cosupervision with a foreign university: link to form.

In addition, when accrediting degrees obtained at Spanish universities other than the University of Castilla-La Mancha:

  • First and/or second cycle or undergraduate degree.
  • Postgraduate degree (Master's, DEA, Research Proficiency, Doctorate).
  • Academic transcript of grades from the first and/or second cycle or undergraduate and postgraduate studies that give access to the doctoral studies.

Graduates from universities in foreign countries who have a degree that is not validated in Spain, must present, in addition to all of the above, the following:

  • Graduates from universities in countries belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA):
    • Diploma Supplement or
    • Official Transcript of the Higher Education studies completed at the Master's level or equivalent, stating the official duration in academic years of the study plan followed, the subjects taken, the course load of each and the grade obtained, as well as the final average grade and, in the same document or in a separate one, the Certificate that EXPRESSLY accredits that the degrees awarded allow access to doctoral studies in the issuing country (issued by the University of origin or the Ministry of Education of the country).
      NOTE CAREFULLY: In the case that the grading system of the certificate does not match the Spanish one, it must be accompanied by the equivalence in average grades that you can find at this link:
  • Graduates from universities in countries outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA):
    • Certificate that EXPRESSLY accredits that the degrees awarded allow access to doctoral studies in the issuing country (issued by the University of origin or the Ministry of Education of the country).

Degrees and certificates must be legalized through diplomatic channels or, if applicable, by means of the apostille of the Hague Convention, except in the case of documents issued by the authorities of the member states of the European Union or signatories of the agreement on the European Economic Area. Documents issued in languages other than Spanish or English must be translated into Spanish (information on legalization and translation of documents).


Once you have completed the form, your pre-enrolment will be saved and you will receive a confirmation email.

You will be able to access and modify your application at any time while the pre-enrolment period is open and the application is in "pending review" status. You will also be able to upload documents into the document manager until before you formalize your enrolment. At the time of the corresponding review, you will receive an email indicating whether everything submitted is correct or if you need to provide any other document.

Likewise, you will be able to check the status of your application for admission at any time by accessing with your username and password. Your application status can be one of:

  • Pending review: The documentation and content of your application have not yet been reviewed by the International Doctorate School.
  • Pending documentation: Your application has been reviewed and you have been notified of a lack of documentation and the deadline to correct it.
  • Invalidated: Application reviewed by the International Doctorate School, but it does not meet the admission requirements.
  • Validated: Application reviewed by the International Doctorate School and both the application and the documentation provided are correct. Pending admission or rejection by the Academic Committee of the corresponding doctoral programme.
  • Admitted: You have been awarded a place in the admission process and can proceed to enrolment.
  • Rejected: You have not been awarded a place. The reason for the rejection is duly set out.


Once admitted, the student must carry out enrolment at one of the Campus Student Affairs Units within the established periods. Please refer to the "access and enrolment calendar" at the top of this page.

If your documents are issued by foreign organizations, do not forget that they must be duly legalized and, if necessary, translated. Check this link for legalization and translation of documents.

Studies completed in the European Union do not require legalization.

Your enrolment will be formalized after you submit the originals and copies of the documents and certificates included in your pre-enrolment to the corresponding Student Affairs Unit, so that the veracity of the access data can be verified. Otherwise, the enrolment will be automatically cancelled.

[Due to the publication on 19 July of RD 576/2023, which amends RD 99/2011, which regulates official doctoral studies in Spain, the requirements for access to doctoral studies in 2023-24 have been modified as follows]


In general, in order to access an official doctoral programme it will be necessary to hold an official Spanish Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, and a Master's degree, or equivalent, provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been earned in the two programmes together.


Access may also be requested by those who:


  1. Hold an official Spanish university degree, or a equivalent Spanish degree and have earned a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in the official university studies, and accredit a level 3 of MECES, the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education.
  2. Hold a degree awarded in accordance with foreign educational systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which does not require recognition, accredit a level 7 of the European Qualification System and that in the country issuing the degree it qualifies for access to doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, recognition of the previous degree held by the student, nor its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies.
  3. Hold a degree awarded in accordance with foreign educational systems,not belonging to EHEA, which does not require recognition, after verification by the university that this degree accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Master's degree and that in the country issuing the degree it qualifies for access to doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, recognition of the previous degree held by the student, nor its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies.
  4. Are in possession of another doctoral degree.
  5. Are university graduates who, after obtaining a place in training in the corresponding entrance examination for specialized health training positions, have successfully passed at least two years of training in a programme for award of the official degree in one of the Health Sciences specialties (MIR, FIR, QUIR, EIR, PIR, etc.).
  6. Hold a Bachelor's, Architect's or Engineer's degree and are in possession of the Diploma of Advanced Studies awarded in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of 30 April, or have achieved the research proficiency regulated in Royal Decree 185/1985, of 23 January.


You can obtain more information and your MECES Correspondence Certificate at this link: MECES Correspondence

  1. The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme must decide whether or not to admit the applicant, taking into account the criteria established in article 8 of the Regulations of Doctoral Studies of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
    The specific admission criteria for each doctoral programme will be published on 
    their respective web pages.
  2. In accordance with the provisions of article 20 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September, each doctoral programme shall reserve at least 5% of the places offered for students with a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, as well as for students with permanent educational support needs associated with personal circumstances of disability, who in their previous studies have required resources and support for their full educational inclusion.
  3. This admission may include a requirement for specific training complements at the Official Master's Degree level. In this case, such complementary training must be completed during the first year of academic supervision or, if the doctoral candidate is a part-time student, during the first two years , at a rate of 30 credits per year, but in no case may this exceed 60 credits. For the purposes of public fees and the granting of scholarships and study aids, these credits will be considered doctoral level training, and the time taken will not be counted for the purposes of the limit established in article 3.2 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies.
  4. Admission will be communicated to applicants by email, so that they can proceed to formalize enrolment for Doctoral Thesis Supervision and, where appropriate, the training complements, at the Student Affairs Unit of their campus (UGAC).
  5. The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme may proceed to conditional pre-admission of the candidate, when the applicant, who holds the required degree, has not completed formalization of supporting documentation or other administrative requirements (legalization of foreign documents, translation of degrees and certifications, etc.). In any case, the Campus Student Affairs Units, before issuing the letter of payment for the tuition fees, must verify that the documentation required for access has been duly formalized.


  1. Each academic year, and until the thesis has been read, the doctoral candidate must formalize his or her enrolment at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  2. This should be done at the Student Affairs Unit of the campus where the student will mainly carry out his/her activity.
  3. Students who are admitted and do not formalize their enrolment will lose their place in the programme, and will have to go through pre-enrolment again if they wish to enrol for doctoral studies in the future.
  4. The doctoral candidate may request temporary withdrawal from the programme by following the procedure published on this website.
  5. If the student fails to enrol without having previously requested temporary withdrawal from the programme, it will be understood that he/she is abandoning the studies and will be definitively withdrawn and, consequently, neither the place nor the thesis topic will be retained.
  6. At the time of admission, the Academic Committee of each doctoral programme will provisionally designate a tutor and a thesis supervisor. In any case, the designation of the supervisor shall be made within a maximum period of three months from the first enrolment.
    The definitive designation of tutor and supervisor, as well as cosupervisors for which there is a duly justified need, will be accomplished with the acceptance of the written undertaking of supervision by all those involved (doctoral candidate, tutor, supervisor and, where appropriate, cosupervisors and, finally, the coordinator) through the link that each of them will receive when these data are finalized.



  1. Students who have already started their doctoral studies in previous years must obtain a joint favourable evaluation for the Activities Document and the Research Plan from the Academic Committee of the corresponding doctoral programme for them to be able to renew their enrolment.
  2. The calendar of actions for the evaluation process will be the one approved each academic year by the EID Management Committee (available at the beginning of this page).
  3. Each academic year, and until the thesis has been read, the doctoral candidate must formalize his or her enrolment at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  4. Doctoral candidates who wish to abandon their studies must communicate their definitive withdrawal to the EID or, if applicable, request temporary withdrawal from the programme. For temporary withdrawal, follow the procedure available on this website.
  5. In the event that the student fails to enrol without having communicated his/her withdrawal, whether temporary or definitive, he/she will be considered to have abandoned the studies and, consequently, his/her place in the programme will not be retained, with the right to maintain the line of research and the title of the thesis being forfeited.
  6. Students who defend their doctoral thesis before 23 December and have been enrolled in the immediately preceding academic year are not required to renew their enrolment.

Those who started doctoral studies at the UCLM under regulations earlier than the current Royal Decree 99/2011 and wish to resume them must apply for admission like any other student.

The public fees applicable to doctoral programmes are established annually by the Department of Education of the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha.

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