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ccording to the Resolution of 30/12/2024, of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, on the delegation of competences of the Rector in different matters and bodies, the Vice-Rectorate for International Policy and Global Partnerships is responsible for

1. Competences in matters of internationalisation, especially those related to the international projection of the University, including the corresponding strategies and policies.

2. The legal and institutional representation of the University of Castilla-La Mancha in international forums, events and networks, as well as before the bodies responsible for the management of international programmes and projects.

3. The conclusion of agreements with foreign universities related to joint teaching leading to the awarding of Bachelor's and Master's degrees, in coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation.

4. The competences related to international mobility programmes for students, teaching and research staff and technical, management and administration and services staff, whether or not they are of a European nature, and the signing of the necessary agreements for this purpose.

5. The promotion and international dissemination of the programmes, as well as the coordination and development of actions to attract foreign students and staff in coordination with the Vice-Rector's Offices for University Outreach, Students and Employability, Faculty and Professional Development, and with the Management,

6. Within the scope of international student mobility programmes, the competences in matters of credit recognition and transfer, as well as in matters of validation or adaptation of subjects or credits, and those relating to the resolution of any appeals lodged by students against the decisions or results of said acts, except when said acts are not in accordance with the provisions of the regulations of the University Council.

7. The competences related to the promotion of mobility, at European and international level, of the teaching staff, research staff and technical, management, administration and services staff of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, in coordination with the Vice-Rectors' Offices and competent bodies, and the conclusion of the necessary agreements for this purpose.

8. The competences related to the development and implementation of the language policy. In particular, those related to training in foreign languages and the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, the agreements in the field of training and accreditation, and the conclusion of the necessary agreements for this purpose.

9. Competences related to participation in major internationalisation projects (international networks and associations), as well as the promotion of new international relations.

10. The competences derived from the General Coordination of the European University Alliance COLOURs.

11. The authorisation of European projects of the Erasmus+ programme.

12. In general, any functions attributed to the Rector in the field of International Policy by current legislation, the University Statutes and other applicable provisions.