Our group, Microwaves and Sustainable Organic Chemistry has focused our research in the application of enabling and environmentally benign techniques in Organic Synthesis,
In 1993 we began with a research line on the application of microwave activation for organic reactions and the synergy with solvent-free reactions and catalysis.
Our contributions have been reflected in:
(i) Publication of more than 140 papers in international journals dealing with the application of microwave irradiation in organic synthesis, most of them in Q1.
(ii) Edition of various book chapters (Targets in Heterocyclic Systems, Microwaves in Organic Synthesis, Advances in Organic Chemistry – Online. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Alternative Energy Sources for Green Chemistry)
(iii) Publication of several reviews on the field.
It should be remarked that the review Thermal and non-thermal microwave effects(Chem. Soc. Rev.) with more than 1800 citations to date, being the second most cited review in MAOS, and we published recently a review on Understanding MAOS through Computational Chemistry (Chem. Soc. Rev.)
(iv) Editor of the third edition of the book Microwaves in Organic Synthesis (Wiley, published in 2012).
We have imparted several Invited Lectures in meetings in Microwave Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Materials Chemistry and NMR spectrocopy.
We have participated in International Scientific Committees in Congresses related to our research, for example: 2nd Internacional Conference on Microwave Chemistry (Praga, 1998), 5th Green Chemistry Conference (Barcelona, 2003), 8th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (2004), 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating (Modena, Italia, 2005).
Since 2000 we expanded our research to other environmentlly benign methoologies like mechanochemistry, and flow chemistry and to in-line analysis and structural determintation by with NMR spectroscopy.
We have also expanded our research to the applications in chemistry of materials (graphene and optical waveguides) and the development and application of NMR microcoils and Photo-CINDP.
In the field of mecanochemistry we have developed methodologies for the exfoliation fo graphene (published in Chem. Commun. with more than 250 citations) and in the reactivity of carbon nanostructures.
In flow chemistry we mantain a fruitful collaboration with Janssen, S.A. for the introduction of ths methodology in the research in the Pharmaceutical Industry. We have published some book chapters and several papers, two of them published in Angew. Chem. on the use of photochemistry and flow chemistry. We are curently editing a book on Flow Chemistry in Drug Discovery published by Springer in 2021.
The research lines on optical waveguides and NMR microcoils are more widely developed in the section "staff".
Two of our researchers have been awarded with prizes, Premio Joven Investigadora “Ibn Wafid de Toledo“ 2009 from the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and L’Oreal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” 2010.
One researcher was elected for Marie Curie in two occasions and for a Ramón y Cajal contract. She also was awarded with the prize “Young Researcher” by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Castilla-La Mancha Territorial Section (RSEQ-STCLM). Another researcher was awarded with a Ramón y Cajal contract.
Master degrees
We participate in three Master degrees
Master of Research in Chemistry
Master in Sustainable Chemistry
Master of Advanced Laboratory Management.
Doctorate in Sustainable Chemistry