Basic and general guidelines

For the defence of a doctoral thesis in the form of compendium of publications, the EID-UCLM Management Committee, at its meeting held on 7 June 2016, set out the following basic and common guidelines for the doctoral programmes of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

In July 2017, a new requirement was approved affecting the composition of the proposed jury for the defence of the thesis.

Each Academic Committee may establish its own requirements, which will be communicated to the EID by 30 September 2016 and which will be announced on their respective web pages, while always conforming with these basic requirements that have been approved.

  • At least 3 articles published or accepted by the date of the application for processing of the doctoral thesis should be included.
  • They must be from indexed scientific journals.
  • The scientific articles must maintain a thematic unity  which matches that of the doctoral thesis.
  • The doctoral candidate should occupy a prominent position among the authors, so that his/her relevance in the research is evident. On this point, the Supervisor of the thesis will certify the contribution and the degree of authorship of the student, and this will be attached to the documentation.
  • Each article may be used towards only one doctoral thesis. With regard to this, the rest of the authors must express their agreement in a written document that will also be attached to the documentation.
  • Submission of the thesis in this form will require an express request from the doctoral candidate and authorization from the Academic Committee on the admission to the thesis defence process form (forms available in the thesis reading and defence procedure).
  • In the "thesis by compendium of publications" form, those who are coauthors of any of the works that are part of that thesis may not act as preliminary examiners or as members of the jury.
  • In theses submitted as a compendium of publications, one original work published prior to enrolment in the doctoral programme may be included among the articles, provided that its date of publication is not earlier than one academic year before the official start of studies in the doctoral programme. In addition, it must be accredited that this is an original work in which some part of the results of the thesis is included, so that it fits with the thematic unity of the rest. However, the specific Academic Committee of each doctoral programme may apply tighter restrictions on this point, such as requiring the publication dates of the articles included in the thesis to lie during the period in which the doctoral candidate is enrolled (agreement of the EID Management Committee of 13/07/2021, applicable from academic year 2021-22).


The doctoral thesis report shall include, at least, the following sections:

  1. Summary Introduction (section in which the problems studied in the doctoral candidate's work are  presented in outline)
  2. Justification Hypotheses and Objectives
  3. Work plan or methodology
  4. Results (this section will be made up of the three published articles just as they appeared in the respective journals, and may also include other articles in the form of scientific articles undergoing revision or being written).
  5. General discussion
  6. Conclusions
  7. Bibliography