The following training activities are mandatory throughout the completion of the Doctoral Thesis:
Duration: 8h.
Temporary planning: Mandatory 1st year activity. It will take place between October and December.
Place and those responsible for teaching: Seminar given by members of the Academic Committee, preferably in the center where the Program Coordinator is located. In the event that a student cannot attend, the person in charge of teaching will be their own Tutor.
Objective: It addresses the explanation of the basic starting aspects in the development of the Doctoral Thesis, collected in the Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the UCLM. In addition, it serves to establish a detailed planning of the rest of the training activities as well as of all the procedures of the Program
Duration: 10h.
Temporary planning: Mandatory activity once during the Thesis, to be carried out preferably in the 2nd year of membership in the Program. It will preferably be taught between the months of September and October.
Place and those responsible for teaching: Seminar given by members of the Academic Committee, preferably in the center where the Program Coordinator is located. In the event that a student cannot attend, the person in charge of teaching will be her own Tutor.
Objective: Seminar that addresses cross-cutting aspects related to research management, focusing on the following points: Knowledge of the sources of funding; Preparation of research projects; Management procedures for research projects (personnel, equipment, etc); Transfer of technology and intellectual property.
Duration: 1 day in October or November.
Temporary planning: Mandatory activity once during the Thesis from the second year.
Place and those responsible for teaching: This is a transversal activity organized by the International Doctoral School of the UCLM, and each year it is held in a different Campus of the UCLM.
Objective: It is an activity in which doctoral students carry out presentations of their research, and learn about those made in other programs.
Duration: 2-3 days.
Temporary planning and place of teaching: Compulsory activity at least once during the Thesis from the second year. It is carried out on dates and places without determining as it depends on the organization of the aforementioned seminars or congresses to establish such planning.
Objective: Participate in specific scientific events of a line of research, preferably international.
- AF5. MOBILITY. Two types are considered:
a) Short-term mobility: This is the mobility associated with carrying out the activities AF3 or AF4 when any of them takes place outside the town where the Center in which the Thesis is developed is located. It is a Mandatory activity.
b) Long-term mobility: This is mobility associated with research stays in other entities. It is not mandatory. Long-term mobility usually comprises periods of three to six months (the maximum time expressed in hours would correspond to that indicated at the beginning of this activity, that is, 900 h). It is usually carried out between April and October and is optional. There are no differences between full-time and part-time students. In most cases, it is associated with stays in international research centers, in order to obtain the mention of an international doctorate. Said mobility is prepared through the previous work of the tutor and the thesis supervisor, who consider the international collaborations that already exist, and already described in this report, or carry out the search for international research centers in which it is interesting that the doctoral student carry out a stay. After establishing contact with the international research center, and the latter having accepted that the doctoral student carry out a stay, the tutor and the thesis director inform the doctoral student of possible financial aid to allow this activity. The website of the UCLM Doctoral School informs about the different calls for financial aid at this link: International Doctorate School ( .
All AFs are described in the Verification memory. They have an evaluation and control procedure by the TUTOR. In all cases, the control of the activity corresponds to the tutor of the doctoral student, verifying the attendance to it and personally evaluating the student's learning in the acquisition.