University ombudswoman
Ágata María Sanz Hermida
Tfno. 926 295 300, Ext. 3088
Support technician
Teresa Caballero Martínez
Tfno. 926 295 300, Ext. 3607
Contact details
Rectorado. Real Casa de la Misericordia
C/. Altagracia, 50
13071 Ciudad Real
E-mail: Defensor.Universitario@uclm.esÁgata María Sanz Hermida
University ombudswoman

Graduate and doctor in Law from the University of Salamanca, she is full professor of Criminal Law at the Toledo Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. She completed her training with research stays at universities in Belgium (Liège), Germany (Cologne, Munich and the Max-Planck-Institute in Freiburg), Italy (Florence) and the UK (Cambridge) and she has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Luigi Vanvitelli in Napoles (Italy). Likewise, she assisted as an expert at the Permanent Conference of Ministers of Justice of Latin American Countries (COMJIB) in order to make a speech about legal protection for victim´s rights, She is also an acting judge at the Toledo Provincial Court.
Her main lines of research on legal protection concern the rights of minors, the area of freedom,security and justice in the European Union;the International Criminal Court, combating gender-related violence; combating terrorism and, at present,she heads a national research project about combating money laundering .
She is in charge of arbitration and implementing it in criminal law, and was co-director of the first edition of the Specialist Degree in Arbitration at the UCLM (which authorizes graduates to be registered as arbitrators) and has coordinated various editions of the specialist degree in arbitration for Latin American lawyers. She has written various publications, among which the most outstanding are her monographs such as The New Criminal Procedure for Minors (2002), The Legal Situation of the Victim in Criminal Proceedings (2008),Crime Victims:Rights, Protection and Assistance (2009), and has coordinated books such as Investigation and Evidence in Criminal Proceedings (2006), Arbitrage as a Method of Resolving Conflicts (2010); Current Problems in Criminal Justice (2013), Legality and Defence: Constitutional Guarantees of Law and Criminal Justice (2015). She has been accredited with two six-year periods of research.
In the area of academic administration, she has held the positions of academic secretary (2011-2013), deputy dean of Law and Degrees (2013-2017), and has coordinated the first edition of the university Master´s degree for entrance to the legal profession at the Toledo Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences.